Al Aqsa flood October 7

طوفان الاقصي

When you step back and look at October 7, what was the reality of that day? 

Well, let's start with the name of the operation.Al Aqsa flood

Why does there have to be an Al Aqsa flood? What is Al Aqsa ? 

It's a holy place in Jerusalem, the Al Aqsa mosque, third holiest place in Islam. 

Why would Hamas have to name an operation Al-Aqsa flood ? 

Could it be because the Israelis had for the past months, years, been desecrating the third holy shrine in Islam? 

Could it be that the Israelis were disrupting Islamic worshipers, throwing tear gas into a mosque, beating up women, bullying men? 

Maybe that's why it happened. 

Maybe the Palestinians were tired of being surrounded by a fence and surrounded. 

A lot of people don't know this. 

They're like, Gaza isn't occupied. Really. What is the ClA? What is Kogat? 

These are two Israeli entities that control everything that happens inside Gaza. Nothing goes into Gaza unless it's approved by the CLA or Kogat

That means that you have to submit paperwork that gets approved by the Israelis and the Israelis deny everything because they're in control. 

Nothing happens in Gaza unless the Israelis deem it fit to happen. That is the definition of occupation. And you ask, why did they do it on October 7

How is Palestine going to get their independence? Who's going to give it to them? 

No one. We know that on October 6, no one was talking about a genuine two state solution. It was done. Finished. Goodbye. 

The Saudi Arabians were talking about normalizing relations with the Israelis. 

They had forgotten about their precondition, about the necessity of a Palestinian state existing. Oh, we'll talk about. 

No one's going to talk about it. Because once you normalize relations, it all becomes about the money, the money, the money. 

Everybody's focused on the India Middle East Economic corridor going from Mumbai through Dubai up through Saudi Arabia onto Jordan to Israel. 

Israel Hayfa onto Greece, that was it. Joe Biden made it the signature element of his g 20 summit. 

Then Netanyahu stopped talking about the Iranian bomb in the United nations long enough to brag about this and Israel's role in it. 

No one was talking about a Palestinian state. 

No one cared about the Palestinians

Definitely not the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, one of the most corrupt men in the world, and Fatah, what have they become? 

They become a mafia group that basically steals money meant to benefit the Palestinian people, puts in their own pocket, builds Villa after Villa after Villa after Villa. 

The Palestinian people had been forgotten. Only one entity was speaking out for them. One. And it wasn't Hezbollah and it wasn't Iran

They give words. They give words. They give words. 

Only one. Hamas

Hamas launched an attack against Israel on October 7 because if they had failed to do so, there would never be a Palestinian state. 

Everybody's talking about the Palestinian state now. 

Everybody's saying that this has to be part of the political solution. 

That's a huge victory for the Palestinian people, which means it's a huge victory for Hamas. 

Hamas won an election in 2006. People tend to forget that. 

They won a democratic election. 

They won more votes than Fatah. 

They controlled the legislature. 

Now, that was an outcome that Fatah, the Palestinian Authority, couldn't accept. 

Israel didn't want to accept. My God, they wanted democracy, but not that kind of democracy. 

No, we don't want democracy where the will of the people is manifested. 

We want democracy that we control the outcome. 

But they didn't control that outcome. 

And it led to a civil war where Hamas won control over Fatah in the Gaza Strip

They lost control on the West bank, but they won control in Gaza. 

Therefore, they are responsible for the governance of Gaza. Now, if you're put in charge of governing people, what kind of government are you if you allow the perpetration of crimes, the crimes of occupation? 

Because again, the settlements were withdrawn in 2005. 

The settlements were. But Israeli control was not. Israel controlled everything. Ask Hamas if they were able, as the governing authority, to build a true port capable of receiving international shipments. 


Israel wouldn't allow it. Israel wouldn't allow it. 

Ask Hamas if they could build an airport where planes could land so that Palestinians could fly freely around the world as sovereign citizens. 

No, Israel wouldn't allow it. Ask Hamas if they could do anything without Israel's approval. 

The answer is only one thing. Resist. And that's what a legitimate governing authority does when their people are being subjected to the oppression of the occupier, and that's Israel, an occupying authority. So Hamas struck out. 

So, yeah, no, Hamas struck out, as they should. And I'm telling everybody here, if you're a man or a woman worthy of the name and you were a Palestinian living in Gaza, if you weren't with Hamas on October 7, you stand for nothing. Nothing, because it means you don't want homeland. 

You mean when you want to live in perpetual slavery, perpetual serfdom? 

No free men and free women would have supported Hamas on that day, and they should still support Hamas to this day because Hamas is struggling against an illegitimate occupying authority, a war criminal nation.


تعد طريقة لوريم إيبسوم أداة مفيدة لتحسين مظهر الصفحة. فهي تجذب انتباه القارئ وتجعله يركز على المحتوى، كما أنها تجعل الصفحة تبدو أكثر احترافية وواقعية.
